Integrating Digital Album Booklets into Spotify
Dear Spotify,
From designers, creatives and consumers everywhere, here’s a change I think you should make.
As a fan of music first and foremost, but also a designer in the music industry, I’ve wondered who would be first to embrace a simple change to allow users a digital version of the long-held tradition of browsing an album booklet while listening to an album.
I think it’s time to bring the album booklet into the streaming age, with this simple, innovative change!
What if, while playing a song, a simple rotation of the phone activated an optional “album booklet view/mode” whereby without interrupting the song playing, users were able to view the album booklet/artwork.
Integrating native “pinch zoom” and swipe to “turn page” functionality, it would be a seamless and beautiful booklet integration.
It’s time for artwork and an album’s visual narrative to be back in front of the music consumer. It was always an essential part of music’s consumption and discovery.
A simple solution for an iconic and nostalgic, consumer experience, enjoyed by generations
...for this generation.”
Example of how this feature could look on Spotify (once phone has been tilted sideways)
Example of an “open booklet” double page spread within Spotify.